Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Jim Carrey Says the Words that Every Woman Is Dying to Hear

When recently queried as to whether or not he would give girlfriend Jenny McCarthy a ring to show her that he loves her, Jim Carrey replied, "We're never getting married, but we're never getting divorced, which is fantastic."

Aw. Nothing pulls at the heartstrings more than a man who's with a woman who's much more attractive than he denying her marriage. I know that it makes me go a big rubbery one.



Related Links
Britney Files for Divorce
Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe Have Separated

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

After Denying Herself, Lindsay Treats Herself to Some Comfort, Southern, That Is

It is being reported that after spending a goodly amount of time in rehab over the last few weeks, Lindsay Lohan rewarded her own graduation by going out and clubbing over the weekend.

Because if there's one thing that a recovering alcoholic needs, it's booze.



Related Links:
Lindsay Lohan Tired of Party Girl Image
Lindsay Lohan Will Tell You When She's Had Enough, Thanks

Monday, February 05, 2007

Ben Affleck Is Not Smoking

Everyone’s favorite husbandish figure to Jennifer Garner has made news recently by announcing that he will no longer be a smoker. Apparently, the number of cigarettes that he had to smoke on the set of “Smokin’ Aces” eventually came to disgust him.

Well, with him putting out the flames of smoking, I guess the only thing that’s left that’s hot about him is his…uhm…er…

